Oilfield Injury Lawyer

There are a number of lawyers that specialize in different types of law, and different locations. We independently investigate the oilfield injury lawyer industry to offer advice and options to people looking to find a lawyer for their particular injury cases. Our goal is to help you learn, find and choose an oilfield injury lawyer for your particular needs.
What Can Cause an Oilfield Injury?
There are types of on-the-job injuries in the oilfield, or on oil rigs. When you suffer an injury at work, especially because of the neglegence of others, the insurance company owes fair compensation. They usually are hesitant to pay. That’s where an experienced oilfield accident attorney can help.
Oilfield workers face some of the most dangerous working conditions in the country. Some reports show that oilfield workers are 7 times more likely to experience an injury that will lead to death.
It’s important that you hire an experienced oil field injury attorney to help with your claim.
What Kind of Oilfield Injuries are There?
There are many types of injuries that can happen in the oilfield.
Do I Need an Oilfield Injury Lawyer?
Even a small accident could cause a variety of damage to the back, neck and spine. Regardless of how small you think your case is, it's a good idea to seek the help of a specialized lawyer or attorney. In most cases, there is no charge to you if no money is recovered, so there is no risk to you in engaging a lawyer as soon as you can.
While there is no specific guideline or deadline when you need to hire an attorney, there are situations where a statute of limitations could prevent you from getting compensation. These statutes vary by state, so a lawyer can help guide you with that. Don't go through this process without counsel and you can usually hire a lawyer on a contingency basis.
What Advice Would an Oilfield Injury Lawyer Give for Immediately After an Accident?
First, Notify Your Employer of Your Accident
After an oil or gas accident, you should notify the supervisor about your injuries right away. Failure to report an accident may result in losing your job and could affect your ability to get compensation for your injury accident.
When reporting an oilfield accident, be honest about what happened and complete an incident report. It is a good idea to put things in writing so there is no confusion about what you said and when you said it. When reporting an incident it is important to be as honest as possible. This means you should tell your supervisor exactly what happened, who was there, and all of the parts of your body that hurt.
Be sure to report any pain, even if it has disapated, or you think it will go away. If you don't, the company will use this against you in court.
In cases where you are covered by worker’s compensation, your employer must notify their insurance carrier about the oilfield accident and file a worker’s compensation claim.
A formal investigation will be started into your accident and injuries. Once the investigation begins, only after consulting your attorney, should you discuss the accident to the investigator.
Get Immediate Medical Attention for Your Injuries
If you were able to notify your employer about your accident, you need to seek qualified medical attention for your injuries. Your employer is required to ensure that you receive all necessary medical attention for an oilfield injury that takes place on a job site.
Receiving an immediate and accurate diagnosis of your condition following an accident is important to get the best possible health outcome. Ignoring your medical needs after an oilfield accident can lead to very bad long-term health consequences and can have a negative impact on your ability to get compensation.
If you were seriously injured in an oil or gas production accident, you may need to go to the nearest emergency room. This might require transport by an ambulance or medical helicopter if you are in serious or critical condition.
In most cases, you may seek emergency medical treatment at an emergency room or hospital after a worksite accident without getting approval from your employer or your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance provider. The important thing is to get help, soon. Everything else is secondary.
If your injuries do not require immediate medical attention, you should schedule an appointment with a doctor right away. Some worker’s compensation rules may limit your ability to select a doctor or other healthcare professional for non-urgent and/or ongoing health treatment after an oilfield accident.
If you in a situation where you are working with an employer-designated doctor and are unhappy with the doctor selected, you have a right to request your own doctor (this assumes the new doctor accepts worker’s compensation cases).
The company doctor may try to minimize your diagnosis. Or, they blame the pain caused by your oilfield accident on a preexisting condition, you need to be cautious about who you trust for your care.
Carefully follow any instructions given by the doctor about how to care for your injuries. If you are too hurt to return to work, do not go back to the job site. Follow doctor's instructions and take the time you need to fully recover from your oilfield accident.
Contact an Experienced Oilfield Injury Lawyer
Once a formal investigation into your accident has started, there could be multiple investigations depending on the company and the insurance company covering the loss.
It's not a good idea to speak to a claims adjuster without first contacting an oilfield injury lawyer. Your lawyer can guide you on what to share and how to communicate with an insurance adjuster.
When you contact an attorney, you should ask to set up an initial consultation to discuss what has happened up to this point. Any oilfield lawyer worth a darn will meet with you for free to discuss your circumstances and strength of your case.
Keep in mind that the goal of the claims adjuster as they work the investigation for your employer is to pay you as little as possible. This can reduce the outcome for your injuries and other losses, such as lost wages, reduction in your ability to work, and pain and suffering.
An injury lawyer can help you learn more about your rights and what claims may be available to you. If your employer isn't covered by worker’s compensation, there may be some other plan that controls your claim? It's also important to know if there was a third-party that was involved in causing your accident?
When an employer doesn't have worker's compensation insurance, you may have a non-subscriber case. These cases have special rules and are usually more favorable to the employee.
If you were hurt as a result of defective machinery or heavy equipment, you might be able to bring a products liability lawsuit against the company that designed and made the machinery or equipment. These equipment manufacturers are responsible to design safety into their machinery.
If a person or company, other than your employer, caused the accident that injured you at your worksite, you might be able to bring a personal injury lawsuit against that third party. There are often other companies working on the same site. Independent contractors, and others, may not be familiar with safety protocol.
Avoid Statute of Limitation Issues in Oilfield Accidents
There are different rules, in different states, for how long you have to present a case. A qualified lawyer will guide you on the best timing.
Insurance Companies Have Experts, You Should Have Your Own Oilfield Accident Experts
Insurance companies are well-versed in gathering experts to help defend their case. They have many resources and money to afford the best. A good oilfield accident attorney will have a good network of experts and resources to help you against these insurance cases.
Have a Good Medical Team
In addition to your initial visit and medical help, your oilfield accident lawyer may want to have a second opinion from another doctor. Your oilfield lawyer can help get you to the right medical experts that can continue to treat you and also serve as witnesses in your case, should you need them in trial. You want medical professionals who can explain how the injury will impact you in the future.
Medical professionals can evaluate your claim and help guide your legal team as to what type of injury claim you have and also help explain your medical records from your physicians and serve as a buffer between you and the company physicians.
In addition to possibly having medical professionals on staff, oilfield lawyers often have investigative staff at their disposal. They can help recreate the accident for use at trial, or in negotiations with the carrier to get you the best settlement, or verdict. Private investigators are a valuable asset to the legal team. They can help provide information to the oilfield attorney to aid in pursuing your claim.

How to Find an Oilfleld Injury Lawyer
This is where we can help. It's more than a simple Google search. We look at factors like rating, customer testimonials, peer reviews, etc. Then we list the best oilfield injury lawyers.
Oilfield Injury Lawyers in Texas
Oilfield Injury Lawyers in North Dakota
Oilfield Injury Lawyers in other locations
How to Choose a Lawyer
When you identify a potential lawyer to work with, it's best to meet and sit down, in person. Be sure to bring copies of any documents and pictures that are associated with your claim: police reports, medical bills, income loss information, job incident reports and any communications with the insurance company.
Most of the time, the initial consultation is free. It's unusual for an oilfield lawyer to charge for the upfront meeting.
Here are a few things you may want to consider.
General Oilfield Injury Experience
Learn about the lawyer's background and experience in oilfield injury cases. Ask about some of their past cases that have some similarities to yours.
How long has the lawyer been in practice?
Out of all of their cases, how many are oilfield cases? Do they handle these types of cases as they get opportunities, or are they specifically oriented towards oilfield injury cases? Does the lawyer most often represent plaintiffs (claimants) or defendants (businesses, insurance companies)? Does the lawyer have experience with the insurance company that you're working with, or even the particular insurance adjuster?
Who Will Work on Your Case?
In most law firms, lawyers work together on cases. There is usually a team of new lawyers and paralegals that assist the main lawyer. This can help get work done faster. And, you don't want the more expensive lawyer spending their time working on menial tasks.
Lines of Communication
Communication is important. Being clear on expectations when it comes to communicating will make sure important notes and health issues aren't ignored. Does the lawyer listen well? Do they clearly convey how to best handle the case and listen to your thoughts? Does the lawyer explain things well? Do you feel comfortable that they will clearly understand your wishes and handle the case with your involvement?
Your Settlement Goal
Obtaining a settlement is almost as important as making sure you're getting the medical attention you need. Once the case is clearly presented to the lawyers, it is perfectly reasonable to ask their thoughts on what a settlement goal should look like. Things to consider in this conversation, include:
Being clear with your lawyer on what you're willing to sacrifice in time and costs to obtain the settlement you want, is very important. The lawyers, may also make suggestions on what strategy to take to get the best settlement arrangement.